Contents of Number 2
Volume 138 / 2015
Contractions of Nadler type on partial tvs-cone metric spaces Colloquium Mathematicum 138 (2015) , 149-163 MSC: Primary 37C25; Secondary 54E50. DOI: 10.4064/cm138-2-1
Maximal function in Beurling–Orlicz and central Morrey–Orlicz spaces Colloquium Mathematicum 138 (2015) , 165-181 MSC: Primary 46E30; Secondary 46B35. DOI: 10.4064/cm138-2-2
Fuglede–Putnam theorem for class $A$ operators Colloquium Mathematicum 138 (2015) , 183-191 MSC: Primary 47B47, 47A30, 47B20; Secondary 47B10. DOI: 10.4064/cm138-2-3
On $s$-sets in spaces of homogeneous type Colloquium Mathematicum 138 (2015) , 193-203 MSC: Primary 28A05; Secondary 28A78. DOI: 10.4064/cm138-2-4
Reduced spherical polygons Colloquium Mathematicum 138 (2015) , 205-216 MSC: Primary 52A55; Secondary 52A10. DOI: 10.4064/cm138-2-5
On co-Gorenstein modules, minimal flat resolutions and dual Bass numbers Colloquium Mathematicum 138 (2015) , 217-231 MSC: 13C14, 13C15, 13D07, 13E05, 13E10, 13Hxx. DOI: 10.4064/cm138-2-6
A note on the Hyers–Ulam problem Colloquium Mathematicum 138 (2015) , 233-239 MSC: Primary 46B20; Secondary 46B04. DOI: 10.4064/cm138-2-7
On weakly locally uniformly rotund norms which are not locally uniformly rotund Colloquium Mathematicum 138 (2015) , 241-246 MSC: 46B03, 46B20. DOI: 10.4064/cm138-2-8
Representation numbers of five sextenary quadratic forms Colloquium Mathematicum 138 (2015) , 247-254 MSC: Primary 11E25; Secondary 11E20, 11A25. DOI: 10.4064/cm138-2-9
Weak precompactness and property $(V^*)$ in spaces of compact operators Colloquium Mathematicum 138 (2015) , 255-269 MSC: Primary 46B20, 46B28; Secondary 28B05. DOI: 10.4064/cm138-2-10
On the prime factors of non-congruent numbers Colloquium Mathematicum 138 (2015) , 271-282 MSC: Primary 11G05. DOI: 10.4064/cm138-2-11
The periodicity conjecture for blocks of group algebras Colloquium Mathematicum 138 (2015) , 283-294 MSC: Primary 16D50, 16E30, 20C20; Secondary 16G60, 16G70, 20C05. DOI: 10.4064/cm138-2-12