Contents of Number 1
Volume 159 / 2020
Partitions of natural numbers with the same weighted representation functions Colloquium Mathematicum 159 (2020) , 1-5 MSC: Primary 11B34; Secondary 05A17. DOI: 10.4064/cm7605-11-2018
Complex multiplication of two eta-products Colloquium Mathematicum 159 (2020) , 7-24 MSC: Primary 11F20; Secondary 11F30. DOI: 10.4064/cm7134-12-2018
A weighted volume estimate and its application to Bernstein type theorems in Gauss space Colloquium Mathematicum 159 (2020) , 25-28 MSC: Primary 53C42; Secondary 53C50, 53C25. DOI: 10.4064/cm7562-11-2018
A note on nonregular matrices and ideals associated with them Colloquium Mathematicum 159 (2020) , 29-45 MSC: Primary 40C05, 40A35; Secondary 26A03, 03E15. DOI: 10.4064/cm7632-12-2018
Arithmetic properties of partitions into $k$ parts congruent to $\pm l$ modulo $m$ Colloquium Mathematicum 159 (2020) , 47-59 MSC: Primary 11P83; Secondary 05A17. DOI: 10.4064/cm7742-2-2019
On a conjecture concerning the multiplicity of the Tribonacci sequence Colloquium Mathematicum 159 (2020) , 61-69 MSC: Primary 11B39; Secondary 11J86. DOI: 10.4064/cm7729-2-2019
Total multiplicity of the Tribonacci sequence Colloquium Mathematicum 159 (2020) , 71-76 MSC: Primary 11B39; Secondary 11J86. DOI: 10.4064/cm7730-2-2019
The rate of convergence for function systems on the circle Colloquium Mathematicum 159 (2020) , 77-89 MSC: Primary 60F05, 60J05; Secondary 37A25, 37A50. DOI: 10.4064/cm7650-1-2019
Stationary radial centers and symmetry of convex polytopes Colloquium Mathematicum 159 (2020) , 91-106 MSC: Primary 35B38, 52B15; Secondary 52A39, 52A10. DOI: 10.4064/cm7712-11-2018
Existence of large independent-like sets Colloquium Mathematicum 159 (2020) , 107-118 MSC: Primary 43A25; Secondary 43A46. DOI: 10.4064/cm7649-11-2018
On the Diophantine equation $F_{n}-F_{m}=2^{a}$ Colloquium Mathematicum 159 (2020) , 119-126 MSC: 11B39, 11J86, 11D61. DOI: 10.4064/cm7485-12-2018
Mass-conserving solutions to coagulation-fragmentation equations with balanced growth Colloquium Mathematicum 159 (2020) , 127-155 MSC: Primary 45K05. DOI: 10.4064/cm7827-2-2019