Contents of Number 1
Volume 167 / 2022
Coset spaces of metrizable groups Colloquium Mathematicum 167 (2022) , 1-20 MSC: Primary 54H15, 22F30; Secondary 54D35, 57S05. DOI: 10.4064/cm7963-8-2020
Homogeneous actions on Urysohn spaces Colloquium Mathematicum 167 (2022) , 21-61 MSC: Primary 03E15, 20E06; Secondary 20B22. DOI: 10.4064/cm7706-1-2021
The Jordan algebras of Riemann, Weyl and curvature compatible tensors Colloquium Mathematicum 167 (2022) , 63-72 MSC: Primary 53B20; Secondary 17C90. DOI: 10.4064/cm8067-10-2020
Groups with frames of translates Colloquium Mathematicum 167 (2022) , 73-91 MSC: Primary 22D10; Secondary 42C15. DOI: 10.4064/cm7864-10-2020
Equivariant mappings and invariant sets on Minkowski space Colloquium Mathematicum 167 (2022) , 93-107 MSC: Primary 22E43, 51B20; Secondary 13A50. DOI: 10.4064/cm7896-10-2020
Conditions of convergence of a random walk on a finite group Colloquium Mathematicum 167 (2022) , 109-113 MSC: Primary 60B15, 60B10; Secondary 20D99. DOI: 10.4064/cm8196-5-2020
$W^{1,1}_{0}({\varOmega })$ solutions for some nonlinear elliptic equations Colloquium Mathematicum 167 (2022) , 115-126 MSC: Primary 35A01, 35J60, 35J66, 35J92. DOI: 10.4064/cm8364-12-2020
Characterizations of manifolds modeled on absorbing sets in non-separable Hilbert spaces and the discrete cells property Colloquium Mathematicum 167 (2022) , 127-147 MSC: Primary 57N20; Secondary 54F65, 57N75. DOI: 10.4064/cm7879-12-2020
On the discriminant of pure number fields Colloquium Mathematicum 167 (2022) , 149-157 MSC: 11R04, 11R29. DOI: 10.4064/cm8257-11-2020
One-relator Sasakian groups Colloquium Mathematicum 167 (2022) , 159-170 MSC: Primary 57M50, 32Q15, 57M05; Secondary 14F35, 32J15. DOI: 10.4064/cm8521-3-2021