Contents of Number 1
Volume 94 / 2002
Absolutely S-domains and pseudo-polynomial rings Colloquium Mathematicum 94 (2002) , 1-19 MSC: Primary 13B02; Secondary 13C15, 13A17, 13A18, 13B25, 13E05. DOI: 10.4064/cm94-1-1
Spaces of multipliers and their preduals for the order multiplication on $[0, 1]$ Colloquium Mathematicum 94 (2002) , 21-36 MSC: Primary 43A22. DOI: 10.4064/cm94-1-2
Compactness criteria in function spaces Colloquium Mathematicum 94 (2002) , 37-50 MSC: 46B50, 42B35. DOI: 10.4064/cm94-1-3
A transvection decomposition in ${\rm GL}(n,2)$ Colloquium Mathematicum 94 (2002) , 51-60 MSC: 15Axx, 08Axx, 05Bxx, 06Bxx, 20Hxx. DOI: 10.4064/cm94-1-4
On fixed points of holomorphic type Colloquium Mathematicum 94 (2002) , 61-66 MSC: Primary 37J; Secondary 32A. DOI: 10.4064/cm94-1-5
Pluriharmonic functions on symmetric tube domains with BMO boundary values Colloquium Mathematicum 94 (2002) , 67-86 MSC: 32M10, 32M15, 43A65, 43A80, 22E27. DOI: 10.4064/cm94-1-6
Examples of nonsemisymmetric Ricci-semisymmetric hypersurfaces Colloquium Mathematicum 94 (2002) , 87-101 MSC: 53B20, 53B30, 53B50, 53B25, 53C35. DOI: 10.4064/cm94-1-7
Blow-up of solutions for the Kirchhoff equation of $q$-Laplacian type with nonlinear dissipation Colloquium Mathematicum 94 (2002) , 103-109 MSC: 35L35, 35L70. DOI: 10.4064/cm94-1-8
Elementary proofs of some basic subtemperature theorems Colloquium Mathematicum 94 (2002) , 111-140 MSC: 35K05, 31B05. DOI: 10.4064/cm94-1-9
On the nonlinear Neumann problem at resonance with critical Sobolev nonlinearity Colloquium Mathematicum 94 (2002) , 141-150 MSC: 35B33, 35J65, 35J20. DOI: 10.4064/cm94-1-10