Contents of Number 2
Volume 95 / 2003
An extension theorem for a Matkowski–Sutô problem Colloquium Mathematicum 95 (2003) , 153-161 MSC: 39B22, 39B12, 26A18. DOI: 10.4064/cm95-2-1
Varieties of modules over tubular algebras Colloquium Mathematicum 95 (2003) , 163-183 MSC: 13D10, 14M99, 16D70, 16G20. DOI: 10.4064/cm95-2-2
On the existence of pseudosymmetric Kähler manifolds Colloquium Mathematicum 95 (2003) , 185-189 MSC: 53C25, 53C55. DOI: 10.4064/cm95-2-3
Boundary potential theory for stable Lévy processes Colloquium Mathematicum 95 (2003) , 191-206 MSC: Primary 60J45, 31C05; Secondary 60G51. DOI: 10.4064/cm95-2-4
On strong uniform dimension of locally finite groups Colloquium Mathematicum 95 (2003) , 207-216 MSC: 20E15, 20E25. DOI: 10.4064/cm95-2-5
Affine and convex functions with respect to the logarithmic mean Colloquium Mathematicum 95 (2003) , 217-230 MSC: Primary 26E60, 26B25; Secondary 39B62. DOI: 10.4064/cm95-2-6
Groups with metamodular subgroup lattice Colloquium Mathematicum 95 (2003) , 231-240 MSC: Primary 20F24. DOI: 10.4064/cm95-2-7
On groups of essential values of topological cylinder cocycles over minimal rotations Colloquium Mathematicum 95 (2003) , 241-253 MSC: Primary 54H20; Secondary 37B05. DOI: 10.4064/cm95-2-8
Nonanalyticity of solutions to $\partial _{t}u=\partial _{x}^2u+u^2$ Colloquium Mathematicum 95 (2003) , 255-266 MSC: Primary 35A10, 35A20, 35K05, 35K15; Secondary 05A10, 11B65. DOI: 10.4064/cm95-2-9
Estimates of Green functions and their applications for parabolic operators with singular potentials Colloquium Mathematicum 95 (2003) , 267-283 MSC: 31B25, 35B05, 35K10. DOI: 10.4064/cm95-2-10
Almost perfect domains Colloquium Mathematicum 95 (2003) , 285-301 MSC: Primary 13G05; Secondary 13C12. DOI: 10.4064/cm95-2-11