Stabilizers of closed sets in the Urysohn space
Volume 189 / 2006
Fundamenta Mathematicae 189 (2006), 53-60
MSC: Primary 22F50; Secondary 51F99, 22A05.
DOI: 10.4064/fm189-1-4
Building on earlier work of Katětov, Uspenskij proved in \cite{Uspenskij2} that the group of isometries of Urysohn's universal metric space $\mathbb U $, endowed with the pointwise convergence topology, is a universal Polish group (i.e. it contains an isomorphic copy of any Polish group). Answering a question of Gao and Kechris, we prove here the following, more precise result: for any Polish group $G$, there exists a closed subset $F$ of $\mathbb U$ such that $G$ is topologically isomorphic to the group of isometries of $\mathbb U$ which map $F$ onto itself.