Characterizations of elements of a double dual Banach space and their canonical reproductions
Volume 104 / 1993
Studia Mathematica 104 (1993), 61-74
DOI: 10.4064/sm-104-1-61-74
For every element x** in the double dual of a separable Banach space X there exists the sequence $(x^{(2 n)})$ of the canonical reproductions of x** in the even-order duals of X. In this paper we prove that every such sequence defines a spreading model for X. Using this result we characterize the elements of X**╲ X which belong to the class $B_1 (X)╲ B_{1/2}(X)$ (resp. to the class $B_{1/4}(X)$) as the elements with the sequence $(x^{(2n)})$ equivalent to the usual basis of $ℓ^1$ (resp. as the elements with the sequence $(x^{(4n-2)} - x^{(4n)})$ equivalent to the usual basis of $c_0$). Also, by analogous conditions but of isometric nature, we characterize the embeddability of $ℓ^1$ (resp. $c_0$) in X.