Balancing vectors and convex bodies
Volume 106 / 1993
Studia Mathematica 106 (1993), 93-100
DOI: 10.4064/sm-106-1-93-100
Let U, V be two symmetric convex bodies in $ℝ^n$ and |U|, |V| their n-dimensional volumes. It is proved that there exist vectors $u_1,...,u_n ∈ U$ such that, for each choice of signs $ε_1,...,ε_n = ± 1$, one has $ε_1 u_1 + ... + ε_n u_n ∉ rV$ where $r = (2πe^2)^{-1/2} n^{1/2}(|U|/|V|)^{1/n}$. Hence it is deduced that if a metrizable locally convex space is not nuclear, then it contains a null sequence $(u_n)$ such that the series $∑_{n = 1}^∞ ε_n u_{π(n)}$ is divergent for any choice of signs $ε_n = ± 1$ and any permutation π of indices.