Corrigenda to: "Generalizations of theorems of Fejér and Zygmund on convergence and boundedness of conjugate series" (Studia Math. 57 (1976), 241-249)
Volume 130 / 1998
Studia Mathematica 130 (1998), 99-100
DOI: 10.4064/sm-130-1-99-100
Proposition 4.1(i) of [1] is incorrect, i.e. the sequence of Cesàro-sections ${σ_n x}$ of a sequence x in a translation invariant BK-space is not necessarily bounded. Theorem 4.2(ii) of [1] and the proof of Proposition 4.3 of [1] are corrected. All other statements of [1], including Proposition 4.3 itself, are correct.