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Spectral decompositions, ergodic averages, and the Hilbert transform

Volume 144 / 2001

Earl Berkson, T. A. Gillespie Studia Mathematica 144 (2001), 39-61 MSC: Primary 47A35, 47B40; Secondary 40G05, 40J05, 42A50. DOI: 10.4064/sm144-1-2


Let be a trigonometrically well-bounded operator on a Banach space \mathfrak X, and denote by \{ {{\frak A}}_{n}( U) \} _{n=1}^{\infty } the sequence of ( C,2) weighted discrete ergodic averages of U, that is, {{\frak A}}_{n}( U) ={1\over n}\sum _{0< | k| \leq n}\left ( 1-{| k| \over n+1} \right) U^{k}. We show that this sequence \{ {{\frak A}}_{n}( U) \} _{n=1}^{\infty } of weighted ergodic averages converges in the strong operator topology to an idempotent operator whose range is \{ x\in {{\frak X}}:Ux=x\} , and whose null space is the closure of ( I-U) {{\frak X}}. This result expands the scope of the traditional Ergodic Theorem, and thereby serves as a link between Banach space spectral theory and ergodic operator theory. We also develop a characterization of trigonometrically well-bounded operators by their ability to “transfer” the discrete Hilbert transform to the Banach space setting via (C,1) weighting of Hilbert averages, and these results together with those on weighted ergodic averages furnish an explicit expression for the spectral decomposition of a trigonometrically well-bounded operator U on a Banach space in terms of strong limits of appropriate averages of the powers of U. We also treat the special circumstances where corresponding results can be obtained with the (C,1) and (C,2) weights removed.


  • Earl BerksonDepartment of Mathematics
    University of Illinois
    1409 W. Green St.
    Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A.
  • T. A. GillespieDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of Edinburgh
    James Clerk Maxwell Building
    Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, Scotland

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