Contents of Number 3
Volume 146 / 2001
Extension of smooth functions in infinite dimensions, I: unions of convex sets Studia Mathematica 146 (2001) , 201-226 MSC: Primary 46T20. DOI: 10.4064/sm146-3-1
On the Fejér means of bounded Ciesielski systems Studia Mathematica 146 (2001) , 227-243 MSC: Primary 46B15, 41A15; Secondary 42B08. DOI: 10.4064/sm146-3-2
Shift inequalities of Gaussian type and norms of barycentres Studia Mathematica 146 (2001) , 245-259 MSC: 28A75, 26B15, 26D10, 52A40. DOI: 10.4064/sm146-3-3
Decomposition of analytic measures on groups and measure spaces Studia Mathematica 146 (2001) , 261-284 MSC: 43A17, 43A32. DOI: 10.4064/sm146-3-4
A characterization of evolution operators Studia Mathematica 146 (2001) , 285-299 MSC: Primary 47D06; Secondary 34G10. DOI: 10.4064/sm146-3-5