Compact operators whose adjoints factor through subspaces of $l_p$

Volume 150 / 2002

Deba P. Sinha, Anil K. Karn Studia Mathematica 150 (2002), 17-33 MSC: Primary 46B20, 46B28, 46B50, 47B07. DOI: 10.4064/sm150-1-3


For $p\geq 1$, a subset $K$ of a Banach space $X$ is said to be relatively $p$-compact if $ K \subset \{ \sum _{n=1}^\infty {\alpha_n x_n} : \{\alpha_n\} \in \mathop{\rm Ball}\nolimits (l_{p'}) \}, $ where $p'={p/(p-1)}$ and $\{x_n\}\in l_p^{\rm s}(X)$. An operator $T \in B(X,Y)$ is said to be $p$-compact if $T(\mathop{\rm Ball}\nolimits (X))$ is relatively $p$-compact in $Y$. Similarly, weak $p$-compactness may be defined by considering $\{x_n\}\in l_p^{\rm w}(X)$. It is proved that $T$ is (weakly) $p$-compact if and only if $T^*$ factors through a subspace of $l_p$ in a particular manner. The normed operator ideals $(K_p,\kappa _p)$ of $p$-compact operators and $(W_p, \omega_p)$ of weakly $p$-compact operators, arising from these factorizations, are shown to be complete. It is also shown that the adjoints of $p$-compact operators are $p$-summing. It is further proved that for $p\geq 1$ the identity operator on $X$ can be approximated uniformly on every $p$-compact set by finite rank operators, or in other words, $X$ has the $p$-approximation property, if and only if for every Banach space $Y$ the set of finite rank operators is dense in the ideal $K_p (Y,X)$ of $p$-compact operators in the factorization norm $\omega_p$. It is also proved that every Banach space has the $2$-approximation property while for each $p>2$ there is a Banach space that fails the $p$-approximation property.


  • Deba P. SinhaDepartment of Mathematics
    Dyal Singh College
    University of Delhi
    Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003
  • Anil K. KarnDepartment of Mathematics
    Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College
    University of Delhi
    Karam Pura, New Delhi 110 015

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