Contents of Volume 155
The Maurey extension property for Banach spaces with the Gordon–Lewis property and related structures Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 1-21 MSC: 46B03, 46B07. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-1-1
Une inégalité maximale sous-gaussienne sur les espaces de tentes Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 23-36 MSC: 42B25, 42B30, 31B25. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-1-2
Direct sums of irreducible operators Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 37-49 MSC: 47A15, 47C15. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-1-3
On the geometry of proportional quotients of ${l^m_1}$ Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 51-66 MSC: 46B07, 46B09, 46B20. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-1-4
On the generalization of the Stein–Weiss theorem for the ergodic Hilbert transform Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 67-75 MSC: 28D10, 42A50. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-1-5
Mappings preserving zero products Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 77-94 MSC: 08A35, 46L40, 47B48. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-1-6
On the Banach–Stone problem Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 95-105 MSC: 46B04, 46E40, 46E15. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-2-1
A properly infinite Banach $*$-algebra with a non-zero, bounded trace Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 107-129 MSC: Primary 46K05; Secondary 43A20, 46H20, 16N20. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-2-2
Some theorems of Korovkin type Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 131-143 MSC: Primary 41A36; Secondary 46E15. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-2-3
The “Full Clarkson–Erdős–Schwartz Theorem” on the closure of non-dense Müntz spaces Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 145-152 MSC: Primary 30B60, 41A17. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-2-4
Operator Figà-Talamanca–Herz algebras Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 153-170 MSC: Primary 47L25; Secondary 43A15, 43A30, 46B70, 46J99, 46L07. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-2-5
On monotonic functions from the unit interval into a Banach space with uncountable sets of points of discontinuity Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 171-182 MSC: Primary 46B20. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-2-6
On the existence and uniqueness of solutions for an incomplete second-order abstract Cauchy problem Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 183-193 MSC: 34K30, 47D06, 47F05. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-2-7
If the $[T, {\rm Id}]$ automorphism is Bernoulli then the $[T, {\rm Id}]$ endomorphism is standard Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 195-206 MSC: 28D05, 37A20. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-3-1
On the automorphisms of the spectral unit ball Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 207-230 MSC: 32H02, 32A07, 32M05, 15A18. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-3-2
Automatic continuity of biseparating maps Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 231-239 MSC: Primary 47B33; Secondary 46H40, 47B38, 46E40, 46E25. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-3-3
Smooth operators in the commutant of a contraction Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 241-263 MSC: 47A45, 47A60, 47B10, 47A20. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-3-4
A nonsmooth exponential Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 265-271 MSC: 46L51, 58B10, 58B25. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-3-5
Quantized orthonormal systems: A non-commutative Kwapień theorem Studia Mathematica 155 (2003), 273-294 MSC: 46L07, 46C15, 42C15. DOI: 10.4064/sm155-3-6