Contents of Number 2
Volume 168 / 2005
On the vector-valued Fourier transform and compatibility of operators Studia Mathematica 168 (2005) , 95-108 MSC: Primary 47L20; Secondary 43A25. DOI: 10.4064/sm168-2-1
A space $C(K)$ where all nontrivial complemented subspaces have big densities Studia Mathematica 168 (2005) , 109-127 MSC: 03E35, 46B03. DOI: 10.4064/sm168-2-2
On the distance between $\langle X \rangle$ and $L^{\infty} $ in the space of continuous BMO-martingales Studia Mathematica 168 (2005) , 129-134 MSC: 60G44, 60G46. DOI: 10.4064/sm168-2-3
A characterization of $F$-algebras with all one-sided ideals closed Studia Mathematica 168 (2005) , 135-145 MSC: 46H10, 13E05. DOI: 10.4064/sm168-2-4
On the Rogosinski radius for holomorphic mappings and some of its applications Studia Mathematica 168 (2005) , 147-158 MSC: Primary 32A05. DOI: 10.4064/sm168-2-5
Algèbres topologiques à idéaux à gauche fermés Studia Mathematica 168 (2005) , 159-164 MSC: Primary 46H20; Secondary 46H10. DOI: 10.4064/sm168-2-6
Algebraic analysis in structures with the Kaplansky–Jacobson property Studia Mathematica 168 (2005) , 165-186 MSC: 44A40, 16Y99, 20M10, 33B99, 47A05, 47A55, 47A60, 47D99. DOI: 10.4064/sm168-2-7
On the multiplication operators on spaces of analytic functions Studia Mathematica 168 (2005) , 187-191 MSC: 47B38, 47A10. DOI: 10.4064/sm168-2-8