Contents of Number 1
Volume 178 / 2007
Compactness conditions for elementary operators Studia Mathematica 178 (2007) , 1-18 MSC: 47B47, 47B48, 47B07, 46H10. DOI: 10.4064/sm178-1-1
Absolutely $(r,p,q)$-summing inclusions Studia Mathematica 178 (2007) , 19-45 MSC: 47B10, 46M35, 47B06. DOI: 10.4064/sm178-1-2
Fully summing mappings between Banach spaces Studia Mathematica 178 (2007) , 47-61 MSC: 46T99, 46G20. DOI: 10.4064/sm178-1-3
The Daugavet equation for polynomials Studia Mathematica 178 (2007) , 63-84 MSC: Primary 46G25; Secondary 46B20, 47A12. DOI: 10.4064/sm178-1-4
On upper and lower bounds of the numerical radius and an equality condition Studia Mathematica 178 (2007) , 83-89 MSC: Primary 47A12; Secondary 47A30, 47A20. DOI: 10.4064/sm178-1-5
Random $\varepsilon$-nets and embeddings in $\ell^N_{\infty}$ Studia Mathematica 178 (2007) , 91-98 DOI: 10.4064/sm178-1-6