On the infimum convolution inequality
Volume 189 / 2008
Studia Mathematica 189 (2008), 147-187
MSC: Primary 52A20; Secondary
52A40, 60E15.
DOI: 10.4064/sm189-2-5
We study the infimum convolution inequalities. Such an inequality was first introduced by B. Maurey to give the optimal concentration of measure behaviour for the product exponential measure. We show how ${\rm IC}$ inequalities are tied to concentration and study the optimal cost functions for an arbitrary probability measure $\mu$. In particular, we prove an optimal ${\rm IC}$ inequality for product log-concave measures and for uniform measures on the $\ell_p^n$ balls. Such an optimal inequality implies, for a given measure, the central limit theorem of Klartag and the tail estimates of Paouris.