Contents of Number 3
Volume 200 / 2010
A Hankel matrix acting on Hardy and Bergman spaces Studia Mathematica 200 (2010) , 201-220 MSC: Primary 47B35; Secondary 30H10. DOI: 10.4064/sm200-3-1
Spectral theory and operator ergodic theory on super-reflexive Banach spaces Studia Mathematica 200 (2010) , 221-246 MSC: Primary 26A45, 46B20, 47A35, 47B40. DOI: 10.4064/sm200-3-2
A finite multiplicity Helson–Lowdenslager–de Branges theorem Studia Mathematica 200 (2010) , 247-266 MSC: Primary 47A15. DOI: 10.4064/sm200-3-3
The spectral topology in rings Studia Mathematica 200 (2010) , 267-278 MSC: Primary 46L05. DOI: 10.4064/sm200-3-4
Continuation of holomorphic functions with growth conditions and some of its applications Studia Mathematica 200 (2010) , 279-295 MSC: Primary 32A15; Secondary 32A17, 32A70, 32C99, 46E10. DOI: 10.4064/sm200-3-5