Contents of Number 3
Volume 220 / 2014
Uncertainty principles for integral operators Studia Mathematica 220 (2014) , 197-220 MSC: Primary 42A68; Secondary 42C20. DOI: 10.4064/sm220-3-1
Dimensions of components of tensor products of representations of linear groups with applications to Beurling–Fourier algebras Studia Mathematica 220 (2014) , 221-241 MSC: Primary 05E10; Secondary 22E46, 43A30, 47L30, 51F25. DOI: 10.4064/sm220-3-2
Types of tightness in spaces with unconditional basis Studia Mathematica 220 (2014) , 243-264 MSC: Primary 46B03. DOI: 10.4064/sm220-3-3
Thickness conditions and Littlewood–Paley sets Studia Mathematica 220 (2014) , 265-276 MSC: Primary 42A45; Secondary 43A46. DOI: 10.4064/sm220-3-4
Products of Toeplitz operators and Hankel operators Studia Mathematica 220 (2014) , 277-292 MSC: Primary 47B35; Secondary 47B38. DOI: 10.4064/sm220-3-5