Metric characterizations of super weakly compact operators
Volume 239 / 2017
Studia Mathematica 239 (2017), 175-188
MSC: Primary 46B85; Secondary 47B10.
DOI: 10.4064/sm8645-3-2017
Published online: 17 July 2017
We define the notion of factorization of a family of metric spaces through a bounded, linear operator between Banach spaces. This notion serves as the analogue of uniform bi-Lipschitz embeddings of this family of metric spaces into a given Banach space. We prove operator versions of well-known non-linear characterizations of superreflexivity due to Bourgain, Johnson–Schechtman, and Baudier. More precisely, we give a non-linear characterization of non-super weakly compact operators as those through which the binary tree, diamond, and Laakso graphs may be factored with uniform distortion.