Contents of Number 3
Volume 248 / 2019
Corrigendum to “$\mathbf A_1$-regularity and boundedness of Calderón–Zygmund operators” with some remarks (Studia Math. 221 (2014), 231–247) Studia Mathematica 248 (2019) , 217-231 MSC: Primary 46B42, 42B25, 42B20, 46E30, 47B38. DOI: 10.4064/sm8381-11-2018
Subspaces of $H^{p}$ linearly homeomorphic to $\ell ^{p}$ Studia Mathematica 248 (2019) , 233-253 MSC: 30H10, 47B70. DOI: 10.4064/sm8784-7-2018
Invariant weakly positive semidefinite kernels with values in topologically ordered $*$-spaces Studia Mathematica 248 (2019) , 255-294 MSC: Primary 47A20; Secondary 43A35, 46E22, 46L89. DOI: 10.4064/sm8807-1-2018
Subsymmetric weak$^*$ Schauder bases and factorization of the identity Studia Mathematica 248 (2019) , 295-319 MSC: 46B25, 46B26. DOI: 10.4064/sm180404-29-9