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Embedding theorems for discrete dynamical systems and topological flows

Volume 270 / 2023

Ruxi Shi Studia Mathematica 270 (2023), 57-72 MSC: Primary 37B05; Secondary 54F45, 37C10. DOI: 10.4064/sm211116-13-10 Published online: 9 January 2023


We investigate embeddings for topological flows. We prove an embedding theorem for discrete topological systems which improves a 2019 result of Gutman, Qiao and Tsukamoto. Our results apply to suspension flows under constant functions, and for this case we show an embedding theorem for suspension flows and give a new proof of a 2020 embedding theorem of Gutman and Jin.


  • Ruxi ShiSorbonne Université, LPSM
    4 place Jussieu
    75005 Paris, France

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