Erratum to “BMO spaces of $\sigma $-finite von Neumann algebras and Fourier–Schur multipliers on SU$_q(2)$” (Studia Mathematica 262 (2022), 45–91)
Volume 271 / 2023
Studia Mathematica 271 (2023), 237-240
MSC: Primary 43A15; Secondary 46L67, 46L51.
DOI: 10.4064/sm230314-26-4
Published online: 11 May 2023
This erratum addresses an error in Appendix A, where the construction of a canonical compatible couple structure from a so-called intersection mapping was attempted. It turns out that this requires an extra condition, which is not clear for the intersection mapping in the proof of Theorem 4.5. We fix this problem as follows: instead of trying to define a predual of BMO, we adapt the proof of Lemma 5.16 so that it only uses the preduals of BMO$^c$ and BMO$^r$.