Contents of Number 1
Volume 273 / 2023
Spherical maximal operators on Heisenberg groups: Restricted dilation sets Studia Mathematica 273 (2023) , 1-28 MSC: Primary 42B25; Secondary 43A80, 42B99, 22E25. DOI: 10.4064/sm220804-22-6
Lipschitz functions on unions and quotients of metric spaces Studia Mathematica 273 (2023) , 29-61 MSC: Primary 51F30; Secondary 46B20, 30L05, 54F45. DOI: 10.4064/sm230117-19-4
A systematic approach for invariants of $C^*$-algebras Studia Mathematica 273 (2023) , 63-99 MSC: Primary 46L35; Secondary 18B35. DOI: 10.4064/sm230516-22-6