Contents of Number 3
Volume 280 / 2025
Shot-down stable processes Studia Mathematica 280 (2025) , 205-245 MSC: Primary 35R09; Secondary 31C25, 60J35, 60J76 DOI: 10.4064/sm230703-14-1
Moran frame spectral measure and Beurling dimension Studia Mathematica 280 (2025) , 247-268 MSC: Primary 42B05; Secondary 42A85, 28A80, 28A25 DOI: 10.4064/sm240305-25-9
Upper metric mean dimension with potential for amenable group actions Studia Mathematica 280 (2025) , 269-304 MSC: Primary 37A35; Secondary 37C85 DOI: 10.4064/sm240320-24-9