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Necessary condition on weights for maximal and integral operators with rough kernels

Volume 263 / 2022

Gonzalo H. Ibañez-Firnkorn, María Silvina Riveros, Raúl E. Vidal Studia Mathematica 263 (2022), 293-321 MSC: 42B20, 42B25. DOI: 10.4064/sm201023-31-3 Published online: 27 January 2022


Let , m\in \mathbb {N} and let T_{\alpha ,m} be an integral operator given by a kernel of the form K(x,y)=k_1(x-A_1y)k_2(x-A_2y)\dots k_m(x-A_my), where the A_i are invertible matrices and each k_i satisfies a fractional size condition and a generalized fractional Hörmander condition. Ibañez-Firnkorn and Riveros (2018) proved that T_{\alpha ,m} is controlled in L^p(w)-norms, w\in \mathcal {A}_{\infty }, by the sum of maximal operators M_{A_i^{-1},\alpha }. In this paper we present a class \mathcal {A}_{A,p,q} of weights, where A is an invertible matrix. These weights are appropriate for weak-type estimates of M_{A^{-1},\alpha }. For certain kernels k_i we can characterize the weights yielding strong-type estimates of T_{\alpha ,m}. Also, we give a strong-type estimate using testing conditions.


  • Gonzalo H. Ibañez-FirnkornFaMAF
    Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
    5000 Córdoba, Argentina
  • María Silvina RiverosFaMAF
    Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
    5000 Córdoba, Argentina
  • Raúl E. VidalFaMAF
    Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
    5000 Córdoba, Argentina

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