Generalized multiplicative Hilbert operators on Hilbert spaces of Dirichlet series

Xiangdi Fu, Kunyu Guo, Fugang Yan Studia Mathematica MSC: Primary 47G10; Secondary 30H20, 47B35 DOI: 10.4064/sm240602-24-9 Published online: 11 February 2025


This paper investigates the generalized multiplicative Hilbert operator $\mathbf H_g$ defined by $$\mathbf H_g f(s)=\int _0^\infty f(1/2+\sigma )g’(s+\sigma )\,d\sigma $$ in weighted Hilbert spaces of Dirichlet series $\mathcal A_{\alpha }^2$. Specifically, the multiplicative Hilbert matrix corresponds to $\mathbf H_{\mathbf g}$ with $\mathbf g(s)=-\sum _{n=2}^\infty \frac {n^{-s}}{\sqrt {n}\log n}$. To characterize the boundedness of $\mathbf H_g$, we introduce the mean Lipschitz space of Dirichlet series $\Lambda (p,\gamma )$ and provide characterizations of functions in $\Lambda (p,\gamma )$ in terms of horizontal translations, derivatives and logarithmic dyadic sums. Based on these characterizations and the local embedding theorem for $\mathcal A_{\alpha }^2$, we demonstrate that for $1/2 \lt \alpha \lt 2$ the operator $\mathbf H_g$ is bounded on $\mathcal A_{\alpha }^2$ if and only if $g$ belongs to $\Lambda (2,1/2)$.


  • Xiangdi FuSchool of Mathematical Sciences
    Fudan University
    Shanghai 200433, P. R. China
  • Kunyu GuoSchool of Mathematical Sciences
    Fudan University
    Shanghai 200433, P. R. China
  • Fugang YanCollege of Mathematics and Statistics
    Chongqing University
    Chongqing 401331, P. R. China
    Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications (Chongqing University)
    Ministry of Education
    Chongqing 401331, P. R. China

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