Mathematical Sciences Classification System
11Gxx - Arithmetic algebraic geometry (Diophantine geometry)
[See also 11Dxx, 14Gxx, 14Kxx]
11G05Elliptic curves over global fields [See also 14H52]
11G09Drinfel'd modules; higher-dimensional motives, etc. [See also 14L05]
11G10Abelian varieties of dimension $> 1$ [See also 14Kxx]
11G15Complex multiplication and moduli of abelian varieties [See also 14K22]
11G16Elliptic and modular units [See also 11R27]
11G18Arithmetic aspects of modular and Shimura varieties [See also 14G35]
11G20Curves over finite and local fields [See also 14H25]
11G30Curves of arbitrary genus or genus $\ne 1$ over global fields [See also 14H25]
11G32Dessins d'enfants, Belyĭ theory
11G35Varieties over global fields [See also 14G25]
11G40$L$-functions of varieties over global fields; Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture [See also 14G10]
11G42Arithmetic mirror symmetry [See also 14J33]
11G55Polylogarithms and relations with $K$-theory
11G99None of the above, but in this section