Subskrypcja 2025

2025 catalogue annual prices for IM PAN journals:


2025 volumes

2025 catalogue Annual prices (on-line)

number of issues

Acta Arithmetica 217-221 € 633 20
Annales Polonici Mathematici 134-135 € 190 6
Applicationes Mathematicae 52 € 53 2
Bulletin of the Pol. Acad.Sci.Math 73 € 53 2
Banach Center Publications 129 € 53 1
Colloquium Mathematicum 178-179 € 190 4
Dissertationes Mathematicae 600-606 € 221 7
Fundamenta Mathematicae 268-271 € 380 12
Studia Mathematica 280-285 € 569 18


The prices are subject to taxation in accordance with current rates, and negotiable, if bulk orders placed.

2025 options available (discounting negotiable):

  Online only: (2025 catalogue annual price)
  Print only: (110% of 2025 catalogue annual price) + (postage & handling)
  Print and Online: (120 % of 2025 catalogue   annual price) + (postage & handling)

On-line edition is activated upon our receipt of a completed license, and corresponding payment verification.

Postage and handling:
22% of catalogue price

All back print volumes are available too.
Single articles are purchasable from their websites to non-subscribers via an e-payment system.

There is a possibility that authors have their articles accessible on an open access mode of the IM PAN journals at extra cost .
Further details obtainable from:



Orders to be sent to:

Publications Department
Institute of Mathematics
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Sniadeckich 8
00-656 Warszawa, Poland


EU VAT no: PL 525 000 88 67

Prepayment methods:

1. transfer to our bank account:    
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego     
Al. Jerozolimskie 7         
00-955 Warszawa, Poland     
IBAN: PL 64 1130 1017 0020 1467 1520 0005 (in EUR)     
IBAN: PL 37 1130 1017 0020 1467 1520 0006 (in USD)     
IBAN: PL 75 1130 1017 0020 1467 1520 0001 (in PLN)     
SWIFT Code: GOSKPLPW         
All indirect bank fees to be covered by the purchaser.     

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