Mathematical Sciences Classification System
34Mxx - Differential equations in the complex domain
[See also 30Dxx, 32G34]
34M03Linear equations and systems
34M05Entire and meromorphic solutions
34M10Oscillation, growth of solutions
34M15Algebraic aspects (differential-algebraic, hypertranscendence, group-theoretical)
34M20Nonanalytic aspects
34M25Formal solutions, transform techniques
34M30Asymptotics, summation methods
34M35Singularities, monodromy, local behavior of solutions, normal forms
34M40Stokes phenomena and connection problems (linear and nonlinear)
34M45Differential equations on complex manifolds
34M50Inverse problems (Riemann-Hilbert, inverse differential Galois, etc.)
34M55Painlevé and other special equations; classification, hierarchies;
34M56Isomonodromic deformations
34M60Singular perturbation problems in the complex domain (complex WKB, turning points, steepest descent) [See also 34E20]
34M99None of the above, but in this section