Mathematical Sciences Classification System
37Kxx - Infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems
[See also 35Axx, 35Qxx]
37K05Hamiltonian structures, symmetries, variational principles, conservation laws
37K10Completely integrable systems, integrability tests, bi-Hamiltonian structures, hierarchies (KdV, KP, Toda, etc.)
37K15Integration of completely integrable systems by inverse spectral and scattering methods
37K20Relations with algebraic geometry, complex analysis, special functions [See also 14H70]
37K25Relations with differential geometry
37K30Relations with infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and other algebraic structures
37K35Lie-Bäcklund and other transformations
37K40Soliton theory, asymptotic behavior of solutions
37K45Stability problems
37K50Bifurcation problems
37K55Perturbations, KAM for infinite-dimensional systems
37K60Lattice dynamics [See also 37L60]
37K65Hamiltonian systems on groups of diffeomorphisms and on manifolds of mappings and metrics
37K99None of the above, but in this section