Mathematical Sciences Classification System
39Axx - Difference equations
{For dynamical systems, see 37-XX; for dynamic equations on time scales, see 34N05}
39A05General theory
39A06Linear equations
39A10Difference equations, additive
39A11Stability and asymptotics of difference equations; oscillatory and periodic solutions, etc.
39A12Discrete version of topics in analysis
39A13Difference equations, scaling ($q$-differences) [See also 33Dxx]
39A14Partial difference equations
39A20Multiplicative and other generalized difference equations, e.g. of Lyness type
39A21Oscillation theory
39A22Growth, boundedness, comparison of solutions
39A23Periodic solutions
39A24Almost periodic solutions
39A28Bifurcation theory
39A30Stability theory
39A33Complex (chaotic) behavior of solutions
39A45Equations in the complex domain
39A50Stochastic difference equations
39A70Difference operators [See also 47B39]
39A99None of the above, but in this section