Mathematical Sciences Classification System
51Exx - Finite geometry and special incidence structures
51E05General block designs [See also 05B05]
51E10Steiner systems
51E12Generalized quadrangles, generalized polygons
51E14Finite partial geometries (general), nets, partial spreads
51E15Affine and projective planes
51E20Combinatorial structures in finite projective spaces [See also 05Bxx]
51E21Blocking sets, ovals, $k$-arcs
51E22Linear codes and caps in Galois spaces [See also 94B05]
51E23Spreads and packing problems
51E24Buildings and the geometry of diagrams
51E25Other finite nonlinear geometries
51E26Other finite linear geometries
51E30Other finite incidence structures [See also 05B30]
51E99None of the above, but in this section