Mathematical Sciences Classification System
55Pxx - Homotopy theory
{For simple homotopy type, see 57Q10}
55P05Homotopy extension properties, cofibrations
55P10Homotopy equivalences
55P15Classification of homotopy type
55P20Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces
55P25Spanier-Whitehead duality
55P30Eckmann-Hilton duality
55P35Loop spaces
55P42Stable homotopy theory, spectra
55P43Spectra with additional structure ($E_\infty$, $A_\infty$, ring spectra, etc.)
55P45$H$-spaces and duals
55P47Infinite loop spaces
55P48Loop space machines, operads [See also 18D50]
55P50String topology
55P57Proper homotopy theory
55P60Localization and completion
55P62Rational homotopy theory
55P65Homotopy functors
55P91Equivariant homotopy theory [See also 19L47]
55P92Relations between equivariant and nonequivariant homotopy theory
55P99None of the above, but in this section