Mathematical Sciences Classification System
76Bxx - Incompressible inviscid fluids
76B03Existence, uniqueness, and regularity theory [See also 35Q35]
76B07Free-surface potential flows
76B10Jets and cavities, cavitation, free-streamline theory, water-entry problems, airfoil and hydrofoil theory, sloshing
76B15Water waves, gravity waves; dispersion and scattering, nonlinear interaction [See also 35Q30]
76B20Ship waves
76B25Solitary waves [See also 35C11]
76B45Capillarity (surface tension) [See also 76D45]
76B47Vortex flows
76B55Internal waves
76B60Atmospheric waves [See also 86A10]
76B70Stratification effects in inviscid fluids
76B99None of the above, but in this section