Mathematical Sciences Classification System
78Axx - General
78A05Geometric optics
78A10Physical optics
78A15Electron optics
78A20Space charge waves
78A25Electromagnetic theory, general
78A30Electro- and magnetostatics
78A35Motion of charged particles
78A37Ion traps
78A40Waves and radiation
78A45Diffraction, scattering [See also 34E20 for WKB methods]
78A46Inverse scattering problems
78A48Composite media; random media
78A50Antennas, wave-guides
78A55Technical applications
78A60Lasers, masers, optical bistability, nonlinear optics [See also 81V80]
78A97Mathematically heuristic optics and electromagnetic theory (must also be assigned at least one other classification number in this section)
78A99Miscellaneous topics