Mathematical Sciences Classification System
91-XX - Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences
91-00General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.)
91-01Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
91-02Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
91-03Historical (must also be assigned at least one classification number from section 01)
91-04Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming)
91-06Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.
91-08Computational methods
(+106)Game theory
(+385)Mathematical economics
{For econometrics, see 62P20} -
(+1)Social and behavioral sciences: general topics
{For statistics, see 62-XX} -
(+5)Mathematical sociology (including anthropology)
(+7)Mathematical psychology
(+5)Other social and behavioral sciences (mathematical treatment)
(+252)Mathematical finance