Mathematical Sciences Classification System
91Axx - Game theory
91A052-person games
91A06n-person games, n>2
91A10Noncooperative games
91A12Cooperative games
91A13Games with infinitely many players
91A15Stochastic games
91A18Games in extensive form
91A20Multistage and repeated games
91A22Evolutionary games
91A23Differential games [See also 49N70]
91A24Positional games (pursuit and evasion, etc.) [See also 49N75]
91A25Dynamic games
91A26Rationality, learning
91A28Signaling, communication
91A30Utility theory for games [See also 91B16]
91A40Game-theoretic models
91A43Games involving graphs [See also 05C57]
91A44Games involving topology or set theory
91A46Combinatorial games
91A50Discrete-time games
91A55Games of timing
91A60Probabilistic games; gambling [See also 60G40]
91A65Hierarchical games
91A70Spaces of games
91A80Applications of game theory
91A90Experimental studies
91A99None of the above, but in this section