Institute of Matematics of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, June 16-20

This meeting is dedicated to studying various fruitful connections between ergodic group actions and unitary representations. For instance, to a measure preserving action of a group one can associate several types of representations: Koopman, groupoid, quasi-regular. One of important questions is when ergodicity of the action implies indecomposability of the corresponding representations. This area is directly related and have applications to several others, including C* and W*-algebras (which can be constructed from representations), combinatorics and random matrix theory (beautiful relations were found in case of the infitine symmetric group), spectral and group theory (where studying representations helped to solve numerous open problems). During the meeting leading researchers will present and discuss new results and younger researchers will be able to learn from them. We hope that it will lead to new ideas, collaborations, connections, and research directions.




  Local info


Invited speakers:   Organizational committee:   Scientific committee:
Jon Aaronson Artem Dudko Artem Dudko
Tattwamasi Amrutam Krzysztof Frączek Adam Skalski
Alexandre Danilenko  Olena Karpel  
Sohail Farhangi Adam Skalski  
Rostislav Grigorchuk    
Bartosz Kwaśniewski    
Mariusz Lemańczyk    
Mykola Nessonov    
Nhok Tkhai Shon Ngo    
Piotr Nowak    
Zoran Sunic    
Anna Szumowicz    
Mykyta Vieprik    

The talks will be in room 6 of IM PAN (ground floor). The colloquium on Wednesday, June 19, 14:15-15:15, will be in room 321.

The conference will be transmitted via Zoom. If you would like to participate either on-site or online please e-mail the organizers at:


The conference fee for non-speakers participating in person is 200 pln. It covers the coffee-breaks and the conference dinner on Monday, June 17. It can be paid either in cash upon arrival or in advance by a bank transfer to the institute with the title of the transfer containing the name of the meeting and the name of the participant.




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