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Explicit formulae of distributions and densities of characteristics of a dynamic advertising and pricing model

Tom 105 / 2015

Kurt L. Helmes, Torsten Templin Banach Center Publications 105 (2015), 119-142 MSC: Primary 60K10, 60K30; Secondary 91B24, 91B70. DOI: 10.4064/bc105-0-9


We analyze the optimal sales process of a stochastic advertising and pricing model with constant demand elasticities. We derive explicit formulae of the densities of the (optimal) sales times and (optimal) prices when a fixed finite number of units of a product are to be sold during a finite sales period or an infinite one. Furthermore, for any time $t$ the exact distribution of the inventory, i.e. the number of unsold items, at $t$ is determined and will be expressed in terms of elementary functions. Approximations of the densities of sales times by particular beta densities are proposed. Results related to the infinite horizon model are by-products of the finite horizon analysis.


  • Kurt L. HelmesInstitute of Operations Research
    Humboldt University of Berlin
    Spandauer Straße 1
    10099 Berlin, Germany
  • Torsten TemplinInstitute of Operations Research
    Humboldt University of Berlin
    Spandauer Straße 1
    10099 Berlin, Germany

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