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Multiplicative integrable models from Poisson–Nijenhuis structures

Tom 106 / 2015

Francesco Bonechi Banach Center Publications 106 (2015), 19-33 MSC: 53D17, 53D50, 37J35. DOI: 10.4064/bc106-0-2


We discuss the role of Poisson–Nijenhuis (PN) geometry in the definition of multiplicative integrable models on symplectic groupoids. These are integrable models that are compatible with the groupoid structure in such a way that the set of contour levels of the hamiltonians in involution inherits a topological groupoid structure. We show that every maximal rank PN structure defines such a model. We consider the examples defined on compact hermitian symmetric spaces studied by F. Bonechi, J. Qiu and M. Tarlini (, 2015).


  • Francesco BonechiINFN, Sezione di Firenze
    50019, Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze), Italy

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