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Some approximation problems in semi-algebraic geometry

Tom 107 / 2015

Shmuel Friedland, Małgorzata Stawiska Banach Center Publications 107 (2015), 133-147 MSC: 14P10, 41A52, 41A65. DOI: 10.4064/bc107-0-9


In this paper we deal with a best approximation of a vector with respect to a closed semi-algebraic set $C$ in the space $\mathbb R^n$ endowed with a semi-algebraic norm $\nu$. Under additional assumptions on $\nu$ we prove semi-algebraicity of the set of points of unique approximation and other sets associated with the distance to $C$. For $C$ irreducible algebraic we study the critical point correspondence and introduce the $\nu$-distance degree, generalizing the notion developed by other authors for the Euclidean norm. We discuss separately the case of the $\ell^p$ norm ($p \gt 1$).


  • Shmuel FriedlandDepartment of Mathematics
    Statistics and Computer Science
    University of Illinois at Chicago
    Chicago, Illinois 60607-7045, USA
  • Małgorzata StawiskaMathematical Reviews
    416 Fourth Street
    Ann Arbor, MI 48103-4816, USA

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