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Symplectic space forms and submanifolds

Tom 110 / 2016

Simone Gutt Banach Center Publications 110 (2016), 73-85 MSC: Primary 53D05. DOI: 10.4064/bc110-0-5


This is a report on some ongoing work with Michel Cahen and Thibaut Grouy: the aim of our project is to define Radon-type transforms in symplectic geometry. The chosen framework is that of symplectic symmetric spaces whose canonical connection is of Ricci-type. These can be considered as symplectic analogues of the space forms, i.e. the spaces of constant sectional curvature, in Riemannian geometry. I shall focus here on their submanifold theory and I shall recall constructions of models of such spaces.


  • Simone GuttMembre de l’Académie Royale de Belgique
    Université Libre de Bruxelles
    Campus Plaine
    C. P. 218, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
    Université de Lorraine
    Ile du Saulcy
    F-57045 Metz Cedex 01, France

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