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Fractal percolations

Tom 115 / 2018

Károly Simon, Lajos Vágó Banach Center Publications 115 (2018), 183-196 MSC: Primary 28A80; Secondary 60J80, 60J85. DOI: 10.4064/bc115-6


One of the most well known random fractals is the so-called fractal percolation set. This is defined as follows: we divide the unique cube in $\mathbb{R}^d$ into $M^d$ congruent sub-cubes. For each of these cubes a certain retention probability is assigned with which we retain the cube. The interiors of the discarded cubes contain no points from the fractal percolation set. In the retained ones we repeat the process ad infinitum. The set that remains after infinitely many steps is the fractal percolation set. The homogeneous case is when all of these probabilities are the same. Recently, there have been considerable developments as regards the projection and slicing properties in the homogeneous case. In the first part of this note we give an account of some of these recent results and then we discuss the difficulties and provide some new partial results in the non-homogeneous case.


  • Károly SimonDepartment of Stochastics
    Institute of Mathematics
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    and MTA-BME Stochastics Research Group
    P.O. Box 91
    1521 Budapest, Hungary
  • Lajos VágóDepartment of Stochastics
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    P.O. Box 91
    1521 Budapest, Hungary

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