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Factorization, malleability and equivalent problems

Tom 126 / 2023

Jorge Urroz Banach Center Publications 126 (2023), 41-51 MSC: Primary 11A51; Secondary 11G07 DOI: 10.4064/bc126-3


This paper describes recent results on the factorization of integers proving, on one hand, that factorization is a malleable problem, i.e. the factorization of a given $n$ is easier when the factorization of another related number is known and, on the other hand, that factorization is polynomial time equivalent to counting points on elliptic curves modulo $n$. It also includes a new result on the equivalence between factoring $n$ and computing $\varphi (n)$ when $n$ has three prime factors.


  • Jorge UrrozDepartamento de Matemáticas
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
    Prof. Aranguren, 3
    28040 Madrid, Spain

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