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Genus distribution of random $q$-ary lattices

Tom 126 / 2023

Peter Bruin, Léo Ducas, Shane Gibbons Banach Center Publications 126 (2023), 137-159 MSC: Primary 94A60; Secondary 11E08 DOI: 10.4064/bc126-9


The genus is an efficiently computable arithmetic invariant for lattices up to isomorphism. Given the recent proposals of basing cryptography on the lattice isomorphism problem, it is of cryptographic interest to classify relevant families of lattices according to their genus. We propose such a classification for $q$-ary lattices, and also study their distribution. In particular, for an odd prime $q$, we show that random $q$-ary lattices are mostly concentrated on two genera. Because the genus is local, this also provides information on the distribution for general odd $q$. The case of $q$ a power of 2 is also studied, although we only achieve a partial classification.


  • Peter BruinMathematisch Instituut
    Universiteit Leiden
    Postbus 9512
    2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands
  • Léo DucasMathematisch Instituut
    Universiteit Leiden/Cryptology Group
    CWI Amsterdam
    P.O. Box 94079
    1090 GB Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Shane GibbonsMathematisch Instituut
    Universiteit Leiden/Cryptology Group
    CWI Amsterdam
    P.O. Box 94079
    1090 GB Amsterdam, Netherlands

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