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Rothe method for an adhesive contact of a nonlinear viscoelastic rod

Tom 127 / 2024

Krzysztof Bartosz Banach Center Publications 127 (2024), 9-35 MSC: Primary 34G25; Secondary 47J22, 49J27, 49J52, 49J53, 65J15. DOI: 10.4064/bc127-1


We consider a dynamic process of an adhesive contact between a viscoelastic rod and a foundation. The problem in its mathematical formulation is a coupled system of two relations: a second order Clarke subdifferential inclusion describing the evolution of the rods displacement and an ordinary differential equation that governs a behavior of the bonding field. Both relations in the system are nonlinear, which introduces the main difficulty to its analysis. Our goal is to provide the existence of a weak solution for the problem under consideration. It is achieved by means of the Rothe method based on the temporal discretization strategy.


  • Krzysztof BartoszFaculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
    Jagiellonian University
    30-348 Kraków, Poland

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