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An improved normal compliance method for non-smooth contact dynamics

Tom 127 / 2024

Vo Anh Thuong Nguyen, Stéphane Abide, Mikaël Barboteu, Serge Dumont Banach Center Publications 127 (2024), 191-217 MSC: Primary 70F40; Secondary 70-08, 70E55, 35Q70. DOI: 10.4064/bc127-9


Based on the growing importance of understanding granular media and their behaviors in various industries, this work proposes a new method different from the Discrete Element Method (DEM) and the Non-Smooth Contact Dynamics (NSCD) approaches to model granular dynamics. We focus on a discontinuous Moreau second-order sweeping process for modeling contact dynamics, incorporating the Moreau-Yosida regularization with parameter $ \alpha $ to develop a regular contact model. We propose the Improved Normal Compliance (INC) method to ensure energy conservation and employ a combination of the Newmark method and Primal-Dual Active Set (PDAS) to address nonlinearity. This study aims to compare the efficiency of our approach with other numerical modeling techniques, such as DEM and NSCD via Nonlinear Gauss Seidel method (NLGS), focusing on improving energy conservation and computational cost.


  • Vo Anh Thuong NguyenLaboratoire de Mathématiques et Physique
    Université de Perpignan Via Domitia
    66860 Perpignan, France
  • Stéphane AbideUniversité Côte d’Azur
    CNRS, LJAD France
  • Mikaël BarboteuLaboratoire de Mathématiques et Physique
    Université de Perpignan Via Domitia
    66860 Perpignan, France
  • Serge DumontLaboratoire de Mathématiques et Physique
    Université de Perpignan Via Domitia
    66860 Perpignan, France

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