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An overview of numerical methods for discrete dynamical systems with frictionless unilateral constraints: mathematical issues and convergence results

Tom 127 / 2024

Laetitia Paoli Banach Center Publications 127 (2024), 219-243 MSC: Primary 34A60; Secondary 74M20, 70E55, 65L05, 65M20. DOI: 10.4064/bc127-10


The dynamics of rigid multibody systems subjected to frictionless non-penetration conditions leads to vibrations with impacts and velocity jumps, and classical good properties of dynamical systems, such as uniqueness or continuous dependence on data, are not always satisfied. As a consequence reliable simulations of such systems can not be performed easily and the use of any numerical algorithm has to be substantiated by a convergence result. Starting from the basic description of the mechanical problem, we derive its mathematical formulation as a measure differential inclusion. The main difficulties in the approximation of solutions will be discussed and an overview of specially designed algorithms will be proposed together with the corresponding convergence results.


  • Laetitia PaoliUniversité Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne
    CNRS, Institut Camille Jordan, UMR 5208
    F-42023 Saint-Étienne, France

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