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A study of the irreducibility of a generic hyperplane section through a normal singularity

Tom 128 / 2024

Maria Rosario Gonzalez-Dorrego Banach Center Publications 128 (2024), 59-68 MSC: Primary 14B05; Secondary 14E15, 32S25, 14J17, 14J30, 14J35, 14J40, 14J70 DOI: 10.4064/bc128-4


E. García Barroso, P. González Pérez and P. Popescu-Pampu stated as an open problem the characterization of normal surface singularities whose generic hyperplane sections are irreducible. We show that this condition may be reformulated in terms of the maximal cycle of a resolution and we exhibit a class of singularities which satisfy it and whose dual graphs are trees. We generalize some results to higher dimensions and study when generic hyperplane sections through some normal $n$-dimensional singularities are irreducible. We also generalize a theorem of Michael Artin from rational singularities to normal singularities satisfying certain conditions.


  • Maria Rosario Gonzalez-DorregoDepartamento de Matemáticas Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
    28049 Madrid, Spain

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