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Łojasiewicz inequalities in a certain class of smooth functions

Tom 128 / 2024

Hà Minh Lam, Hà Huy Vui Banach Center Publications 128 (2024), 69-93 MSC: Primary 58K55; Secondary 14P25, 32C99 DOI: 10.4064/bc128-5


Let $f$ be a germ of a smooth function at the origin in $\mathbb {R}^n.$ We show that if $f$ is Kouchnirenko’s nondegenerate and satisfies the so called Kamimoto–Nose condition then it admits the Łojasiewicz inequalities. We compute the Łojasiewicz exponents for some special cases. In particular, if $f$ is a germ of a smooth convex Kouchnirenko’s nondegenerate function and satisfies the Kamimoto–Nose condition, then all its Łojasiewicz exponents can be expressed very simply in terms of its Newton polyhedron.


  • Hà Minh LamInstitute of Mathematics Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
    10307 Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Hà Huy VuiThang Long Institute of Mathematics and Applied Sciences
    Hanoi, Vietnam

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